The FeedBlitz Simple API

You’re a plugin developer, PHP guru, or a web programmer, and you want to do more with FeedBlitz to help your clients to grow their lists.

This is the API for you.

It’s easy to use (the REST API is rich and powerful and complex, and can be overkill), easy to get going, and we’ve got a great PHP sample you’re welcome to customize to provide a powerful plugin, form integration or more for your application’s needs.

The function of this “Simple” API is to

  • Start the FeedBlitz dual opt-in process for a new subscriber (or single opt-in for qualified accounts, provided other criteria are met).
  • Add custom fields along the way.
  • Apply tags.
  • Unsubscribe a reader.

Obviously, any initial UI (user interface) presented prior to that is the responsibility of you to build.